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Showing posts from September, 2018

Harmonize Relationships | How To Let Go Of The Past and Move Forward

Harmonize Relationships | How To Let Go Of The Past and Move Forward We all want happy, healthy relationships with our parents, family, friends, colleagues, partners to be happy and successful in life. But many times we don't find ourselves in a position to get rid of these small issues and fights. We keep asking ourselves," Why they do not understand?". Now let us move to the root of this for better understanding. As we already discussed in our earlier post, about a story of holding a half-filled glass for a longer time may freeze our hand and make us paralyze. Similarly, holding on to many grudges and pent-up emotions, our emotions have frozen and we have become rigid with no option left to come out of this. Many of the times, we are fighting over small issues and mostly same. Sometimes we don't even remember the issue. Now, you can try a small beautiful activity to let go of all pains and sorrows. Pick up a pen and a paper, write all unwanted/bad memo...

How Do Emotions and Thoughts Affect Our Behavior

How Do Emotions and Thoughts Affect Our Behavior Is it really possible that what we think or what we feel is affecting us, our health, our surroundings, people around us? With negative thinking we cannot feel good and with negative feeling we cannot think good If we observe closely then we may get some idea about it, our brain generates a different type of waves, namely alpha waves, beta waves, theta waves etc. It is observed that when we are in good mood, happy, relaxed, calm, peaceful, our brain generate alpha waves, but when our mood is down, very fewer alpha waves are observed and more of other waves like beta waves are generated. Also, nowadays many people are depressed, stressed, slowly brain's ability to generate alpha waves is decreasing. Our thinking and feeling are directly connected to our endocrine system. When we panic, our body secretes different hormones than when we are relaxed and stress-free. Is it not that when we are angry our heart is on more wo...

Meditation Benefits | Meditation For Beginners

Meditation Benefits | Meditation For Beginners Have you ever wondered, why people meditate? Well, there can so many reasons, In this post, I am going to discuss some benefits of doing meditation. From the ages, so many people around the globe have been doing meditation practices. Many have claimed that they felt very relaxed, calm, peaceful and found improvement in their productivity, efficiency, and quality of life. People have experienced that they are more cheerful, happier than before. There is always a good feeling factor and shift in thinking and feeling i.e, from negative to positive. There are many scientific finding in support of meditation. There is a positive difference in the region of the brain which deals with Anxiety and Depression. Studies have found the decreased level of stress, anxiety, tensions, mood swings, also ones memory become sharp and learning capability becomes better. When compared to monks, their brains have more of those waves which are re...

How To Be Happy All The Time No Matter What

How To Be Happy All The Time No Matter What Who in this world who doesn't want to be happy all the time? Million dollar question! Let us see some points on which you can work on: Positive Affirmations Many people use this method, you too can use it, affirmations are positive statements, we often end up saying negative about ourselves continuously non stop, which makes us more and more negative. So start affirming positive, say aloud internally or externally, like "I AM HAPPY ALL THE TIME", it really works, you may give it a try. Click here to explore more affirmations . Our thinking and feeling affect us, so when we affirm something positive, it has a very positive effect on us. Keeping Your Heart Big You would have heard many times that this person has a big heart or a big-hearted person. So from where we can bring this big heart, by helping the people around, being generous with people, etc. One very interesting thing that many may know, many m...

Forgiveness - a way to happiness

Forgiveness - a way to happiness Letting go of something painful sometimes become very difficult and seems almost impossible to let go. Actually, why should one let go of whatever happened, some situation, an argument, an unsuccessful deal, a failure? There is a very popular story, once the teacher asked the students (teacher holding a half-filled glass of water), what is the weight of this glass, a guess? So the students replied with different answers like 200 grams or 300 grams or 100 grams etc. So the teacher replied, the weight of the glass depends on how long I hold it, after 15 minutes, my hand may ache after 30 minutes, more painful, after an hour, intolerable pain and so. What if I hold it for a day or for a week, well I am sure, you get the idea. Are we not doing the same thing with ourselves, holding things for weeks, months, years. If our hand can become paralyzed, wouldn't we become paralyzed emotionally and mentally and also burning ourselves from inside. It i...