How To Be Energetic Throughout The Day On many occasions, when asked great cricket player Sachin Tendulkar, that how he manages to maintain and sustain stamina and regulate his anxiety levels, he has mentioned that he uses right breathing techniques not only before or after batting, but more importantly while he is playing and batting. This is one of the other factors which has helped him to maintain his fitness. In one interview, a tennis player was asked how he is able to maintain his endurance for so long, his answer was, he do abdomen breathing at regular intervals while he is playing. If we notice, the very first thing that gets changed as per our moods or situation is breathing. More relaxed we are, more smooth, deep breathing we have but when we are angry, it is more abrupt. Well, notice next time what is happening to your breathing when you are angry. Have you ever wondered, why children are so vital, they can do all physical activity the whole day and still be so e...
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